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Triumphant Publications
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Triumphant Publications is a non-profit organization designed to make available Christian literature consistent with biblical Christianity.

Pastor Otis is pastor of an RPCUS church in Burlington, North Carolina. His writing ministry is an integral part of his pastoral ministry. If you have been blessed by his books, and his videos, we encourage you to consider a donation. Your generosity will enable future books and videos to be made available, and will aid in Pastor Otis' ministry.

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Great Errors in Dispensational Eschatology – Part 2

Introduction to Daniel’s 70 week Prophecy- Part 1

This session finishes discussion on the errors of Dispensational Premillennial theology.  There is the beginning of discussion of the great passage in Daniel 9:24-27 as it relates to the first advent of Christ, not the Second Coming.

Great Errors in Dispensational Eschatology Pt2 from Christine Otis on Vimeo.

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This site is maintained by: Triumphant Publications Ministries
Christine Otis - Web Master
Last update - January 2015

